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Valentina was trying to step up her modeling career by booking a nude photo shoot. She was a bit unsure about it, but her photographer ensured her everything would be completely tasteful. Sure enough, Valentina was twice as smoking hot clothes off, but the typical red backdrop was not cutting it. Her photographer insisted something that would invoke more emotion in the photos, so they moved the shoot to the bedroom. The photographer could feel his big black cock becoming erect only seconds into the bedroom shoot. He could barely concentrate, and neither could Valentina. She saw his bulge and decided she would like to get to know him better. She pulled down his pants to reveal a behemoth chocolate love stick. The photographer did not only use it to violate her soft white mouth and pussy, but also to adorn her gorgeous face with a wet hot load of yummy cum. We hope she remembers to get some pictures of that, not for her portfolio but just for posterity ;).