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Published on October 19, 2023 by

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Vanya Vixen is a guest at a small bed and breakfast place. There's a dude in the next room that the redheaded vixen has her eye on. Hotels, motels, resorts and other vacation spots always get women extra-horny. This hideaway is about to be a bed and breastfest retreat. Dressed to cause major inflation, Vanya gives him "the look" when they see each other in the hallway. She high-heels it back to her room as he watches. There's no need to mail him an engraved invitation. Her body wees his entry. Tony walks over to her door and is about to knock. He stops and decides to look through the keyhole. That's when Vanya opens the door and invites him in. It's not for brunch, it's for munch as Vanya sits on her bed and lowers her top and bra so he can suck her nipples and munch on her shaved pussy, preparing her pink hole for a hard time. Vanya's new one-day stand fucks her big tits next and turns around so Vanya can fill her throat with his pussy-pleaser. Now it's time to fuck away the morning on thisfy bed.

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