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Baileys boyfriend, Jake, was staying at her house for the weekend. She had to go to dance class so she left him there with her Step mom, Darryl. While Bailey was gone, Darryl began talking to Jake and told him that she overheard Bailey talking to her friend about how Jake was not satisfying her in bed. She explained to him that he just needed some practice as she grabbed his cock. She pulled out his dick and began sucking it. They continued in the bedroom, where Darryl gave Jake a pussy eating lesson. Bailey came home and caught Jake licking Darryls sweet pussy. Bailey began to get angry, but Darryl explained that she was giving him lessons to satisfy Bailey better. Darryl asked Bailey to spread her legs and try it out. Bailey was hesitant at first, but was amazed at how much better he got at licking her succulent pussy. Then, Bailey got her pussy drilled while Darryl helped. Darryl asked if she could get fucked and she also got her pussy pounded. They took turns getting their pussies rammed and got man juice all over their pretty faces.