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Kendall and her neighbor Keith have lived at the same complex for years and it wasnt until today that she realized he was a baller! Kendall plays a little ball too so these two decided to go one on one and see whos the champ of the building! There was one small catch however – Kendall doesnt know how to play for shit. Sensing her weakness, Keith decided to make the game that much more interesting and they started playing HORSE. Kendall failed miserably and after the game was won it was time for Keith to claim his prize! He asked her to show him a titty, since her nipples had been hard the whole game and it was difficult to concentrate, but that quickly escalated! Back inside Keiths apartment Kendall had to face the music, and a big black dick in her mouth! Her curiosity continued to grow and Kendall then knew what it felt like to get stuffed to capacity by a huge cock deep inside her tight girl clam. It was so big that at one point she had to grind on half of the meat because it didnt fit! Keith finally got to spray his ball sauce all over his pretty little neighbors face and they promptly set up their next pick up game.