Jasmine's J.O. encouragement Big Ass Porn Videos

Published on November 3, 2023 by

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I graduated from university with a first-class honors degree in business management and marketing, Jasmine Jae said about her background before she became a porn star. "The first time I had sex was run of the mill. I was 18 and it was with my long-term boyfriend at the time. Things got more adventurous and fun later in life. I'm not going to parade around in slut gear unless it's the appropriate environment. I dress for the occasion." Jasmine's hometown is Birmingham, England. She lives in Los Angeles, where this scene was filmed, and continues to do porn in Europe. While she's known for her extreme hardcore scenes, doing double-penetration, ass-to-mouth, interracial and anal, Jasmine is also tops at jack-off encouragement video. She's done over 500 porn scenes since she began in 2012. British models have a real knack for non-stop sex talk, telling the audience to wank for them. British adult TV channels feature a lot of girls doing jack talk. Danniella Levy also has this dirty mouth talent, and a few years ago, we shot an equally skilled British potty-mouthed bra-buster in Jamaica named Dolly Delight.

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