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I think we might need to get a bigger Hummer. Our ladies were stacked up in the limo like we were trying for the world record for the most hotties stuff in a limo if there is such a thing. The ladies piled out into the club with big smiles and bigger tits with sexy curves. The ladies got so hot and horny being in the VIP. As the bottles got emptied the clothes slid off. Some of them did not have much to take off in the fist place. That makes it easier for Jmac and crew to get what they want. Jmac tested out the ladies before he found the horniest of the bunch. Annakay and her friend got their pussies pounded so good they are probably still tender today. Even after him blew his load all over them, other girls were asking for left overs. Get inside the VIP and be a King of the club.