Bridgette B.: Blond, busty & bubbly Big Ass Porn Videos

Published on October 30, 2023 by

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I like to perform extremely naughty sexual acts on random strangers in big buildings and public transportation, Bridgette B. said. "I once had sex in my college chapel." Naughty? I suppose. Having sex in a chapel could fall under "naughty." When I think of naughty, I picture a girl dropping her bath towel with a deer-in-the-headlights expression, not a girl from Spain sucking off a random stranger on a train. Anyway, in this video and photo set, Bridgette B. gets naughty by pouring champagne on her beautiful, naked tits and pussy. As I wrote at the time, "It's only natural that Bridgette B. would slide into naked modeling, lap dancing and porn." She's done a hardcore B&D scene, a threesome with two men and two basic fuck scenes at SCORELAND. Bridgette is a super-pro living and porning in L.A., and there's nothing she can't tackle. "I love sensual girls who know how to actually eat pussy," slim, trim and stacked Bridgette said. "It's delicious to give and to receive. I love anal sex. It's amazing! There's nothing better than getting off from both vagina and ass!" Yeah, Bridgette was born for porn.

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