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After a nice sleep over with some friends, Dillion woke up with her tits peeking out. Jenna Sativa was gathering some things next her and asked if Dillion could help clean up a bit. The clean up quickly turned into a fluffy pillow fight. Dillion fell on the couch with Jenna on top of her. They giggled and kissed as the playful pillow fight evolved into something more. The cleaning was put off because these two naughty girls wanted to down and dirty. Dillion wanted to fuck with Jenna all night, but she was shy around her other girls friends. Now that they were all alone there was no holding back. Dillon buried her face and fingers between Jenna legs. They rolled around on the couch as they made each other cum and cum again. Dillion was so excited she squirted which made more of a mess for them to clean, but they didn't think twice about it. They were so happy they could be that dirty together.