Pork Me British Porn Videos

Published on October 21, 2024 by

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Alura Jenson is a busty teacher who always manages to attract a crowd of horny dudes every time she starts working out, thanks to her massive tits, round booty, and skimpy little outfits. Rumor has it that she really loves cock, but all the guys are a little too intimidated by her to find out once and for all. It’s only when Danny gets caught with his dick sticking through a glory hole in the women’s shower room that Alura makes it clear just how much of a cock-crazy slut that she really is! One look at Danny’s fat dick and she grabs on with both hands, pulling him straight through the wall to get at it. She sucks and fucks Danny’s dick, ordering him around like the student he is, and educating him how a true master slut fucks. Eventually, Danny busts a fat nut all over Miss Jenson’s pretty face, and she lets him know that this is only the beginning!

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