Kailani Kai: Bad Mom Big Ass Porn Videos

Published on October 9, 2023 by

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Kailani Kai is hanging up some clothing and calls for her daughter to help her. There's no answer, so Kailani goes into her daughter's bedroom. Her daughter is not there but a guy her daughter is dating is and he's been sleeping in her room. Kailani is surprised to see him in bed. She checks him out and is in no rush to leave the room. There's a delighted look on her face. Since Kailani's daughter is not home, Kailani looks at this as an opportunity to get the dick. She reaches out to feel Stirling's cock and, finding it suitable, fills her mouth with it. Kailani eye-bangs him as she blows him. Curvy Kailani gives his cock a short break so she can stand up and slip off her body-clinging dress. Looking at him, she plays with her huge tits for his benefit. This guy is in for it now. On top of him, Kailani wedges his dick between her breasts and pumps it, push-up style. She sucks and licks his balls, rubs his cock on her breasts and then puts it up her pussy to ride him fast and strong. With big eyes, Kailani pops Stirling with what she calls "the million-dollar question" and asks him if her daughter likes being fucked in the ass. Because Kailani does, of course. She turns around and offers him the opportunity. He wedges his cock into her butthole and gives her the ass-fucking she wants. When some daughters are away, some moms will play.

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